
Games from The Crypt 2024: Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (PSP Version) Part 2 (B) [Monster Village Dystroyed!! Time for Parin to go after the Phantoms in The Rasish Woods: Cheery Forest Path]

2024-10-28 1 Dailymotion

Games from The Crypt 2024: Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (PSP Version) Part 2 (B) [Monster Village Dystroyed!! Time for Parin to go after the Phantoms in The Rasish Woods: Cheery Forest Path]


Part 2 of my Epic Halloween "Games From The Crypt" Playthrough/Lets Play of the PSP Version of Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure is finnally Done/Out!

And so this week,we continue where we left off in Part 1,with Monster Village Sadly Dystroyed with everything in Ruins,it's time for Parin to Set things Right to go after the Phantoms giving chase to them in the Woods! but before we can do that,Parin must first Return to the Ruins Stage again to retreive back Pico's Music BoomBox which was stolen and hidden by the Phantoms!

and heh yeah,it also turns out that Poco was also the culprit who's been stealing Fan's cakes from her Cake shop......sooooo.....yeah,go figure.lol

At least that mystery has been solved!

but we're not out of the Woods yet (Literally!),next,we get our first Element "Power Up" upgrade for our Drill Weapon,which Parin gets a Fire Element Atachment upgrade for her Drill! next,Parin will make her way to the ruins again for a 3rd time which we face off against out first boss in the Game! A giant Golem Themed Phantom named "Bob" who is one of Phantom Prince's top 5 Dark Phantom Generals/Henchmen! the others being Mosby (A Phantom Moth), Cream (A Cyclops Phantom Girl), Roger (A Phantom that resembles a
Anglerfish/Frog hybrid), and giga (a giant Rock Phantom)


Parin's gonna have her work cut out for her to defeat each and every one of these 5 Phantom Generals,and speaking of which,this first boss was a pain in the ass to deal with because of his protective shield armor,had some trouble and difficulty with him!

As I mentioned in a previous video,this plays exactly like an Old School N54 gem,right down to the polygonal/Blocky cartoony graphics,which however,my only issue i have with this game is that blasted Camera which fiddle faddles all around the place,making it hard to see where your going and planning platforming Jumps and Air attacks for Parin!